Serious short ??
It is quite slow, kinda boring but the song saves it :D
Yes i know :D
The moral of the story?
I hate this movie
Fair enough.
Yeah thats all
We need more parodies like this, true and funny how you explained the situation
Thanks, but without the song i doubt i would've had much of a story. Thank Denvish for publishing it when you see him.
Dude dont take all as personal
1-you have the sufficient ability to arrive at where you want, i dont discuss that, you are talented
2-you take the opinions too much in serious, and you arrive at the point to make conflict outside the subject "flash" being a stupid waste when is only an opinion not a judgment class, when in fact one gives its point of view on what you do and not what you are, there are no reason to put in personal subjects, just you do. i dont like you stop being a dipshit moron and concentrate in your own stuff and. stop with excuses like it is my first flash, is unprofessional and silly
3-the overall score was 8, but the reason than i explian at point 2, the magic number is 0
That wasn't constructive at all, and if you don't know my motives don't discuss my ways of rebuttal.
Damn, where are the classic
No computer voice = no good score
17 year old suicidal moron = dickhead
The fun is over st0p please
It's not over. Not even near over.
I have headaches. I kill, i don't get them.
Joined on 5/1/05